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sochatasche größenvergleich

How do I find the right bag size?

Of course, that depends on how big your laptop is! A 15 inch laptop will not fit in a 14 inch bag!

first measure laptop – length x width ( the thickness is irrelevant ).

Now compare with the size of our bags. All our 15.6″ ( inch ) bags have space for devices up to a maximum of 39cm x 27cm

All our 14″ ( inch ) bags have space for devices up to a maximum of 34cm x 23cm

Our 17.3″ ( inch ) bags have space for devices up to a maximum of 43cm x 29cm

socha tasche größe

The size comparison

In the background a typical 15.6 inch laptop bag. In front of it a typical 14 inch laptop bag. In the foreground a standard DIN A4 sheet


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