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from 50€ free shipping to all EU countries, CH and UK

30 days return policy

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Get a 150 € instant discount + free shipping.

100% secure and transparent.
No subscription. No follow-up costs.

We would like to give you our products with a purchase value of 150 € as a gift so that you can get to know and test them.

*Free shipping from 100€ order value

Get all the benefits for resellers

We work with Ankorstore, the brilliant online wholesale marketplace. This allows you to try our products with 60 days payment and free returns on your first order.

If you’re new to Ankorstore, you’ll also get a €150 discount and free shipping on all SOCHA products over €100 order value. We will cover the costs! The discount is only available for the first order on the Ankorstore platform!

It’s super easy, transparent and 100% risk-free for you. The only thing it needs from you is your registration via the button. At checkout, you then enter the voucher code: LIFT-TKBQPJPR 


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